1. The Case of the Black Panther
Aired: Sep 3, 2019The next episode delves into the chilling true story of Donald Neilson, a not...
Jackie Malton delves into the dark history of Peter Tobin, a Scottish serial killer with a notorious past that began in his childhood.
1. The Case of the Black Panther
Aired: Sep 3, 2019The next episode delves into the chilling true story of Donald Neilson, a not...
Robert Napper, a notorious British criminal, is re-explored by former DCI Jac...
Next episode, a team of experts collaborate to solve a decades-old mystery, r...
4. The Saturday Night Strangler
Aired: Sep 24, 2019In the next episode, Jackie Malton revisits 10 crucial cases, reliving the in...
A 20-year-old deaf woman, Suzanne Greenhill, is brutally murdered in a seclud...
6. The Killing of Matthew Eappen
Aired: Oct 8, 2019Louise Woodward, a British au-pair, is under investigation after the child in...
Jackie Malton delves into the dark history of Peter Tobin, a Scottish serial ...
8. Murdering Their Own Children
Aired: Oct 22, 2019A chilling case of filicide unfolds as Jackie Malton delves into the complex ...
Two childhood friends, John Duffy and David Mulcahy, are re-examined by forme...
A seemingly ordinary man, Neil Entwistle, commits a heinous crime, brutally m...
Seasons: 2
Current Status: Returning Series
Network: CBS Reality
Production Country: United Kingdom