Off. Stanton attends to a mother whose stolen television is more important to...
"Profiles of Three Female Pittsburgh Police Officers - Personal and Professional Life"
"Profiles of Three Female Pittsburgh Police Officers - Personal and Professional Life"
Off. Stanton attends to a mother whose stolen television is more important to...
Officer Stanton frets about keeping pace with Sgt. Zander and has her first e...
Officer Sarah Berkezchuk climbs up on a bridge with a potential jumper in an ...
Officer Whelan testifies in court against a woman who assaulted her and the B...
Cary tries to rekindle a romance with Sarah and Molly Whelan dates a weatherman.
A battered wife is hesitant to press charges against her abusive lawyer husba...
Berkezchuk moves in with Stanton who has been accused of using excessive forc...
Officers Lynn Stanton and Molly Whelan are attracted to the same man and Offi...
On Christmas Eve a gunman uses Lynn as a shield; Molly and Sarah deal with a ...
A reality TV crew focuses on Officer Stanton when producing a segment on fema...
Officer Whelan is suspended and faces a hearing after her carelessness contri...
After drawing her gun during a confrontation with homeless youths soggier Sta...
Stanton boards a bus being driven by a retiring bus driver to "something spec...
Main Cast
Sirens (1992) Promo - ABC