Despite being polar opposites who irritate each other to no end, Ned and Stac...
Ned and Stacey
Season 1 Episode 5: Model Husband
Ned hires a flighty supermodel for a television advertisement, but her friendship with Eric upsets Amanda.
Ned hires a flighty supermodel for a television advertisement, but her friendship with Eric upsets Amanda.
Despite being polar opposites who irritate each other to no end, Ned and Stac...
Stacey struggles with Ned's sexist portrayal of their marriage when he throws...
Stacey begins dating a charming man, but he can only handle their relationshi...
Desperate to get a cover story for the Village Voice, Stacey writes a scathin...
Ned hires a flighty supermodel for a television advertisement, but her friend...
6. Saul and Ellen and Ned and Stacey
Aired: Oct 16, 1995Stacey gets upset with Ned when he starts spending so much time with her pare...
When Ned begins to have an affair with Mrs. Binder, Stacey's mother's best fr...
Ned and Stacey accidentally kiss when they go to a Halloween party wearing th...
When Stacey discovers she's deep in debt, she refuses Ned's offer of a loan a...
Ned and Stacey's first Thanksgiving with Stacey's family turns into a disaste...
Stacey is thrilled when she buys a new bed, but becomes so guilt-stricken tha...
Ned and Stacey feud over a new man they meet who becomes Ned's best friend an...
A beautiful and aggressive executive wants Med to sleep with her in order to ...
At each others' throats even more than usual, Ned and Stacey decide to spend ...
15. Paranoia on the 47th Floor
Aired: Jan 8, 1996Ned becomes worried about his job when a young hotshot at the ad agency impre...
Ned begins dating a magazine publisher whose bedroom antics exhaust him, but ...
Ned manages to get a reluctant Eric a promotion after Amanda asks Ned to put ...
Stacey runs into an old high school friend Janine, who seems to always want w...
Ned's current client is a wealthy fashion designer who is also gay. Stacey, u...
Ned and Eric bump heads over who is going to be Leonard the Rodeo Clown at Ho...
Ned has difficulties shooting an ad campaign starring the famous Bobby Van Lo...
Stacey gets offended by Amanda who says a few home truths about her arrangeme...
Ned hosts a poker game while Stacey and Amanda head out to see the new Demi M...
Stacey goes on a failed date and expects Ned to bail her out. Stacey believes...