The next episode of the show features a star-studded lineup, including Maya R...
Maya & Marty
A brand new show blends musical numbers, comedy sketches, and celebrity guests into a prime-time TV hour.
A brand new show blends musical numbers, comedy sketches, and celebrity guests into a prime-time TV hour.
The next episode of the show features a star-studded lineup, including Maya R...
Next episode of the show features a star-studded lineup, with Maya Rudolph an...
3. John Cena, Nick Jonas, Eva Longoria and Ben Stiller
Aired: Jun 14, 20164. Ricky Gervais and Cecily Strong
Aired: Jun 21, 20165. Will Forte, Amy Poehler and Jerry Seinfeld
Aired: Jul 5, 20166. Sean Hayes, Steve Martin, Kelly Ripa & Emma Stone
Aired: Jul 12, 2016The Season 1 finale of the show features a star-studded lineup, including Sea...