Matt and his team's pursuit of the escaped individual puts them in a precario...
Lost Car Rescue
Season 1 Episode 5: Ghost Towns
As the team scours railway ghost towns for pre-war vehicles, underlying tensions begin to simmer among them.
As the team scours railway ghost towns for pre-war vehicles, underlying tensions begin to simmer among them.
Matt and his team's pursuit of the escaped individual puts them in a precario...
Matt's team takes on a new challenge as they scour The Alaska Highway for aba...
Matt's team embarks on a mission to track down 1950s Volkswagens, going to gr...
Matt and his team venture into uncharted territory, facing a new challenge as...
As the team scours railway ghost towns for pre-war vehicles, underlying tensi...
Matt's team embarks on a high-speed quest to capture and preserve the legacie...
Seasons: 2
Current Status: Returning Series
Network: History