1. Aired: Sep 25, 1977After her brother is being found being unfaithful, Anna Karenina persuades he...
2. Aired: Oct 2, 1977Army officer Vronsky falls in love with Anna, who returns to her husband, Kar...
4. Aired: Oct 16, 1977After a difficult birth to a baby girl, Anna flees with Vronsky without obtai...
5. Aired: Oct 23, 1977After a difficult birth to a baby girl, Anna flees with Vronsky without obtai...
7. Aired: Nov 5, 1977Anna and Vronsky return to Russia. After a furious Karenin sees Anna visiting...
10. Aired: Nov 26, 1977Karenin takes custody of Anna's baby girl, and Vronsky leaves to help fight t...