In the gritty streets of New York's Lower East Side, a struggling street vendor, Simon, ekes out a living by selling bootlegged cassette tapes from his small corner shop. His meager existence is fueled by vodka and beans, and he often goes without a proper meal. Despite his tough circumstances, Simon finds solace in the company of his unloved cat and the occasional visit from his mysterious friend, Marty, who may be an old flame. The film paints a stark portrait of a city that is unlovely, violent, and unforgiving.
Rhythm Thief
A gritty street vendor navigates the lower east side of New York, operating a bootleg cassette tape shop amidst the sounds of a boombox, while scraping by on scraps from restaurants, vodka, and beans, and making do with a makeshift bed on the floor, all while caring for a mysterious individual.