In a project led by scientists Michael Rourke and Colonel A.C. Fleming, a superhuman soldier named J type Omega, or J*O*E, is created. With enhanced physical abilities, J*O*E lacks a crucial element: a killer instinct. When he fails to execute targets, the project is deemed a failure and J*O*E is set for termination. However, Fleming, who views J*O*E as a son, hesitates to carry out the order, while Rourke believes J*O*E is not a failure. They take J*O*E under their wing, training him in a life of mercenary work. But when their missions lead them back to Mobius, they are pursued by Colonel Fleming, tasked with terminating J*O*E. Can Fleming reconcile his loyalty to J*O*E with his duty to Mobius?
J.O.E. and the Colonel
In a groundbreaking lab experiment, scientists successfully recombine the molecules of a human being, creating the "perfect soldier" with enhanced physical and mental abilities. This new breed of super-soldier is then deployed on high-stakes missions, pushing the boundaries of human end...