Billy Chong, born Willy Dozan on February 10, 1957, in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, is a renowned Indonesian martial artist of Chinese descent. His remarkable acting career commenced in 1977 with a role in the Indonesian action movie Pembalasan Si Pitung (Pitung's Revenge).
Subsequently, Billy continued to act in numerous action films across Indonesia, Hong Kong, and the United States, leaving an indelible mark with his performances in Crystal Fist and A Fistful of Talons. His breakthrough in the entertainment industry came in 1995 when he became a household name in Indonesia following the immense popularity of the hit TV series Deru Debu.
Not only did he star in this series, but Billy also took on the role of director for most of its episodes. His versatility and talent were further showcased in another hit TV series, Sapu Jagad, which he not only starred in but also directed and produced in 2000.
Billy Chong's personal life has been marked by his marriage to Indonesian popstar Betharia Sonata, although they divorced in 2002. The couple has two children, Mohammad Leon Rahman Dozan and Nabila Rahman Dozan.