Soo Hoo, a multifaceted individual hailing from a family of accomplished actors, began his acting career at the tender age of five, making his debut in the short film "The Rainbow Pass". This early start set the stage for a lifelong passion for the craft, which would eventually lead him to join the esteemed Screen Actors Guild in 1954.
As a young adult, Soo Hoo took the reins of the family business, Chew Yuen Company, and, in 1975, co-founded Phoenix Imports, a venture that would allow him to expand his entrepreneurial horizons. His entrepreneurial spirit continued to flourish, as he went on to establish the iconic Hop Louie restaurant in Chinatown in 1985.
In addition to his business pursuits, Soo Hoo continued to nurture his acting talents, appearing in a string of notable films throughout the 1940s. Some of his most notable roles include Lady from Chungking (1942),Air Force (1943),in which he shared the screen with the talented Charles Drake, and China's Little Devils (1945).
As he transitioned into adulthood, Soo Hoo's acting career evolved, and he took on bit and background roles, amassing a impressive array of television credits, including numerous background spots.