Born in 1978, a visionary filmmaker, multifaceted in his roles as director, producer, and screenwriter. His academic journey commenced at the prestigious Heriot-Watt University, located in the vibrant city of Edinburgh, Scotland. During his formative years, Zankovsky was employed at Hermes Datacomms, where he nurtured a creative spark that would eventually blossom into a pioneering entrepreneurial venture.
In a bold move, he joined forces with two like-minded friends to establish an experimental studio, which would go on to become a dominant force in Central Asia's entertainment industry. By 2004, the studio had established itself as a leading player, securing lucrative agreements with renowned global brands such as Leo Burnett, Saatchi & Saatchi, Procter & Gamble, and Philip Morris, among others.
Years of dedication and perseverance culminated in a groundbreaking achievement in 2011, as Zankovsky successfully launched a Kickstarter campaign for his inaugural feature-length film, "The Zohar Secret". The campaign's success paved the way for the film's completion in 2015, marking a significant milestone in the director's illustrious career.