Tyler Funk, a multifaceted creative force, hails from Canada, with his residence situated in the vibrant city of Vancouver, British Columbia. Alongside his brother Kevan, he spent his formative years in the picturesque town of Banff, Alberta, where the seeds of his artistic inclinations were sown.
Tyler's academic background is marked by his attainment of a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Film Production from the esteemed University of British Columbia, providing him with a solid foundation in the technical aspects of filmmaking.
In the realm of entertainment, Funk is the mastermind behind White Ninja, a narrative web comic-turned-Vine series, conceived by the talented duo of Scott Bevan and Kent Earle. This innovative project showcases his exceptional storytelling abilities and capacity to adapt to diverse formats.
In addition to his creative pursuits, Tyler Funk serves as the Creative Director of North of Now, a Vancouver-based agency specializing in creative production and digital consulting services. This role allows him to leverage his expertise and passion for storytelling to drive innovative projects forward.