Tommy Gunn, a renowned veteran in the adult film industry, hails from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. As a child, he was a hyperactive and attention-seeking individual, often inquiring about his physical growth due to his petite stature. Throughout his early years, Tommy developed a fascination with sports, BMX bicycles, and motorcycles, in addition to soccer. However, he struggled with shyness around girls for an extended period until he noticed the attention girls lavished on taller and more muscular individuals. This realization prompted him to take up bodybuilding, which eventually led to his entry in a local bar's "hot body" contest. Although he didn't win the contest, Tommy's participation led to a chance encounter with a man who offered him work as a stripper.
For the next decade, Tommy worked as a male stripper, traveling extensively throughout the country and the world. During this period, he met a girlfriend who was also a stripper, and she persuaded him to join her on a trip to Los Angeles to pursue a career in adult films. Upon arriving in LA, Tommy crossed paths with Brad Armstrong, a well-established porn actor, who took him under his wing and played a pivotal role in establishing his successful career.
Throughout his illustrious career, Tommy has garnered numerous accolades, including the AVN Best Supporting Actor award in 2006 and the coveted AVN Male Performer of the Year award in 2007.