Tawny Peaks, a former adult entertainer, now leads a quiet life as a housewife in Michigan, having retired from big-bust modeling and stripping.
In 1998, Peaks was involved in a highly publicized court case against a Florida physical therapist who claimed to have suffered whiplash after being hit in the face by her breasts while she was dancing at a club his friends had taken him to for his bachelor party. The therapist alleged that her breasts, which were reportedly measuring 60HHH or 69HH at the time, were as hard as cement blocks.
The case gained national attention and was featured on The People's Court, where former New York City Mayor Ed Koch served as the arbitrator. As part of the proceedings, Peaks was appraised by a female bailiff, and Koch ultimately ruled in her favor, determining that her breasts were "about two pounds each and of average firmness," and therefore not dangerous.
Following her retirement in 1999, Peaks had her breast implants removed and auctioned them on eBay. One of the implants was purchased by GoldenPalace.com, an internet casino company, for $16,766US.
Tawny Peaks' remarkable story has made her a household name, and her legacy continues to fascinate and entertain to this day.