Sam Liu is a renowned American animation director and storyboard artist, widely recognized for his impressive body of work in the realm of animated superhero films, having collaborated with both Marvel Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. His extensive repertoire of notable titles includes All-Star Superman, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, Hulk Vs, Planet Hulk, Thor: Son of Asgard, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, and Batman: Year One, with the latter being a co-directorial effort with Lauren Montgomery.
Prior to his successful career in animation, Sam Liu pursued his passion for art by studying illustration at the prestigious Art Center College of Design. Following his academic endeavors, he transitioned into the world of comic books, drawing for Image Comics. Subsequently, he shifted his focus to animation, where he helmed projects such as Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles and Godzilla: The Series for Sony Animation. Liu's versatility and talent soon led him to Sony Computer Entertainment of America, where he designed characters for the PlayStation franchise.
After a brief hiatus, Sam Liu returned to animation, garnering an Emmy Award for his outstanding work on The Batman (TV series) in 2006. Since then, he has been prolific in his output, working on numerous animated films for Marvel Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. Currently, Liu is directing the upcoming Green Lantern animated series, a project that reunites him with the esteemed Bruce Timm.