Michael Vieau is a renowned American actor, renowned for his captivating performances on the small and big screens. One of his most notable roles was as Chris Trokey on the critically acclaimed television series Prison Break, where he showcased his impressive acting skills. Vieau's character was a member of the alliance for purity gang, and his storyline took a dramatic turn when he was betrayed by his former friend Theodore "T-bag" Bagwell, leading to his wrongful imprisonment for the murder of a correctional officer and subsequent confinement in the SHU.
In addition to his work on Prison Break, Vieau has also made a notable appearance in the 2008 superhero blockbuster The Dark Knight, where he played the role of Al Rossi in a pivotal court scene. His character's tragic fate added an emotional depth to the film's narrative.
Vieau's versatility as an actor is further demonstrated by his portrayal of Ed Shouse in the 2009 crime drama Public Enemies. His performance as one of the main characters in the film earned him recognition and praise from audiences and critics alike.
Currently, Vieau resides in Chicago, Illinois, where he grew up in Roselle. His journey from his humble beginnings to his successful acting career is a testament to his dedication, perseverance, and passion for his craft.