Mark Ellinger, a renowned American composer, hails from the Midwestern state of Ohio, where his creative journey began. His artistic inclinations were further nurtured during his formative years at the esteemed San Francisco Art Institute, where he had the privilege of crossing paths with the visionary filmmaker Curt McDowell, leading to a lasting and fruitful friendship.
Throughout his illustrious career, Ellinger has worn many hats, including that of a teacher. Between 1971 and 1987, he dedicated his time and expertise to educating the next generation of artists at both the San Francisco Art Institute and the Academy of Art. His impressive resume also boasts a wide range of skills, from recording engineer to sound designer, electronics technician, composer, and even actor, with credits on numerous independent films.
In 1982, Ellinger's passion for music and technology converged as he founded the state-of-the-art 16-track recording studio, Truth and Beauty, a testament to his innovative spirit and commitment to his craft.