Karzan Kader, a renowned Kurdish filmmaker, was born on September 8, 1982, and his life took a dramatic turn when his family fled their homeland, Kurdistan, in 1990 due to the Iraq War. At the tender age of nine, Kader and his siblings were forced to leave their childhood behind and embark on a new journey, eventually settling in Sweden.
Growing up in Sweden, Kader's fascination with storytelling and filmmaking only intensified, and he eventually enrolled in the prestigious Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA) in 2007 to hone his skills as a director. His remarkable talent and dedication paid off when his short film, "Bekas", won a Student Oscar, a prestigious award that recognizes outstanding student filmmakers.
The success of "Bekas" led to the development of the feature-length film of the same name, which received widespread critical acclaim. Today, Karzan Kader is recognized as a talented and accomplished filmmaker, known for his work as the director of "Bekas" (2012) and "Trading Paint" (2019). Despite his success, Kader still resides in Stockholm, the city that has been his home for many years.
Throughout his career, Kader's unique perspective and storytelling ability have captivated audiences worldwide, earning him a reputation as a masterful filmmaker. His journey from a young refugee to a renowned director is a testament to his perseverance, creativity, and passion for storytelling.