Justin Broadrick

Justin Broadrick

55 · Born: Aug 15, 1969

Personal Details

BornAug 15, 1969 Birmingham, England, UK


Justin Broadrick, a multifaceted British artist, has made a profound impact on the music world as a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and drummer, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of contemporary music.

Born with a passion for creation, Broadrick's artistic expression has taken many forms, from the intense, visceral sounds of his most notable endeavor, Godflesh, to the innovative fusion of extreme metal and industrial music that has earned him widespread recognition.

Godflesh, a pioneering band that Broadrick co-founded, has been instrumental in shaping the sound of industrial metal, blending the raw energy of heavy metal with the mechanized rhythms and textures of industrial music, forging a unique sonic identity that has inspired generations of musicians.


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