Joseph Mcelwaney

Joseph Mcelwaney

Personal Details


Joseph McElwaney is a talented and accomplished actor, whose impressive career has been marked by a diverse range of roles in various film productions.

Some of his most notable performances can be seen in the 2017 film "FrankenThug", where he showcased his exceptional acting skills, and in the 2016 films "Room for Rent" and "Once Upon a Nightmare", further demonstrating his versatility and range as a performer.

With a growing list of credits to his name, Joseph McElwaney is undoubtedly an actor to watch out for in the years to come, as he continues to impress audiences with his captivating on-screen presence and nuanced portrayals of complex characters.


FrankenThug as Schitzy
{"id":194489,"title":"Room for Rent","year":"2016","character":"Joey Kruljac","permalink":"https:\/\/\/us\/movie\/room-for-rent-2016","type":"movie","srcset":{"1x":"https:\/\/\/img\/90x135\/thumbs\/movie_194489.jpg","2x":"https:\/\/\/img\/180x270\/thumbs\/movie_194489.jpg"},"released":1}
Room for Rent
Room for Rent as Joey Kruljac
{"id":102235,"title":"Once Upon a Nightmare","year":"2016","character":"Narrator","permalink":"https:\/\/\/us\/movie\/once-upon-a-nightmare","type":"movie","srcset":{"1x":"https:\/\/\/img\/90x135\/thumbs\/movie_102235.jpg","2x":"https:\/\/\/img\/180x270\/thumbs\/movie_102235.jpg"},"released":1}