Jonathan Kenny, born December 12, 1957, is an accomplished Irish comedian and actor, residing in Lough Gur, and half of the renowned Irish comic duo d'Unbelievables, alongside Pat Shortt. The duo achieved immense success until 2000, releasing several notable projects, including One Hell of a Video, D'Unbelievables, D'Video, D'Telly, D'Mother, and D'collection. However, their touring days came to an abrupt halt when Kenny was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma.
As a multifaceted individual, Kenny is an accomplished singer and an ardent supporter of Munster Rugby. He has also ventured into film, completing a lead role in the independent European feature film Insatiable, directed by Jessie Kirby. In his latest DVD, Back to Front, Kenny takes on the role of the nastiest man in Ireland, marking his first serious acting endeavor.
Kenny's roots are deeply embedded in the Irish Midlands and the West of Ireland, with his mother's maiden name being Dirraine and her grandparents hailing from Inis Mór in the Aran Islands.
Following his successful stint with d'Unbelievables, Kenny returned to solo comedy and has performed extensively throughout Ireland with his one-man show. In the spring of 2007, he released his debut solo stand-up DVD, Back to Front.
In 2012-13, Kenny collaborated with visual artist Des Dillon, musician/composers Benny McCarthy & Conal Ó'Gráda to create a brand new theatre show, Mag Mell.