Jeff Schroeder is a renowned American television and online talk show host, currently captivating audiences with his daily entertainment and news program, Daily Blast Live, produced and distributed by TEGNA. This esteemed program is broadcast on local stations across the United States, as well as online through Facebook, YouTube, and various social media platforms.
In addition to his impressive hosting career, Jeff Schroeder has also made a name for himself as a former contestant on the popular reality television shows Big Brother, The Amazing Race, and Marriage Boot Camp. His extensive experience in these high-energy competitions has undoubtedly honed his exceptional communication skills and ability to adapt to diverse situations.
Jeff's personal life is equally as fascinating, as he met his wife, Jordan Lloyd, while competing on Big Brother (US) 11. The couple has since created a thriving YouTube channel, boasting an impressive subscriber count of over 25,100 fans. Together, they have two loving sons, a testament to their strong family bond.
However, Jeff's time on Big Brother 13 also saw him generate controversy when he made several comments regarding the sexual orientation of the beloved Harry Potter character, Albus Dumbledore. On July 12, 2011, during his tenth day in the house, Jeff expressed his disapproval of the fictional headmaster's sexual orientation, sparking a heated debate with fellow House Guest Kalia Booker. When Kalia challenged Jeff's views, he rejected her perspective, accusing her of being overly concerned with political correctness for the sake of the audience.