Greg Yaitanes is a renowned American television and film director, as well as an angel investor in Twitter. His impressive career in Hollywood has earned him widespread recognition, with a long list of top shows under his belt, including Damages, Lost, Prison Break, Heroes, and Grey's Anatomy.
Yaitanes' professional journey began in Wellesley, Massachusetts, where he directed his first film, Salad Bar: The Movie, at a young age. He then moved to Los Angeles at the age of 18 to attend the University of Southern California Film School. By the time he was 23, he had landed his first directorial job, demonstrating his persistence and dedication to his craft.
One notable example of his determination is the story of how he waited seven hours for a 10-minute meeting with action film producer Joel Silver. After impressing Silver with his work, the producer signed him for his second feature film. This early success set the stage for Yaitanes' subsequent career as a television director.
In addition to his work in Hollywood, Yaitanes is also a respected figure in Silicon Valley, thanks to his investments in start-up companies like Twitter. As one of Twitter's original investors, he has earned a reputation for his foresight in technology. He is a frequent guest speaker at the company and has been involved in various projects, including the Greek America Foundation's Gabby Awards.
Yaitanes is also active in the Greek community, having helped produce the Gabby Awards and directing the opening of the 2011 Gabby Awards on Ellis Island. He currently resides between New York and Los Angeles with his two sons.