Greg Wood is a renowned British actor, previously known as Greg Milburn, who has made a significant impact in the entertainment industry. His acting career began with a notable role in Hollyoaks, where he portrayed one of the bullies involved in the groundbreaking portrayal of Luke Morgan's rape. This role marked the beginning of his extensive experience in television, and he soon went on to play a memorable character in the now-defunct soap Brookside, taking on the role of Terry Gibson, a drug dealer.
Wood's performance in Brookside earned him recognition, and he was one of four nominees for Soap Villan of the Year. After leaving Brookside, he appeared in several other notable shows, including The Courtroom, Casualty 1907, and Emmerdale, where he made two appearances.
In addition to his television work, Wood is also the brother of Matt Milburn, who played the character Joe Spencer in Hollyoaks. Wood's most recent role has been as Rick Neelan, a debt collector, in Coronation Street. His performance in this role has earned him a nomination for the 'Best Villain' award at the British Soap Awards.
It's worth noting that Wood's character, Rick Neelan, was involved in a controversial scene on Coronation Street, where he pushed a burning newspaper through someone's letterbox. The scene sparked controversy, with 31 people complaining to Ofcom, claiming that the show had incited and encouraged crime. However, Ofcom ultimately ruled that the scene was "not likely to encourage or incite the commission of crime or lead to disorder."