Gong Yoo, a renowned South Korean actor, embarked on his journey in the entertainment industry as a VJ before transitioning to television and film roles, gradually ascending to leading man status. His breakthrough came with the popular dramas "Hello My Teacher" and "One Fine Day," followed by his iconic portrayal of a cafe manager who falls in love with a girl disguised as a man in the romantic comedy "The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince," solidifying his position as a drama leading man.
The immense popularity of "Coffee Prince" propelled Gong Yoo to regional stardom. After completing his two-year mandatory military service, he made a successful comeback with the romantic comedy "Finding Mr. Destiny" and the critically acclaimed film "Silenced," a project he spearheaded based on the true story of deaf students being sexually exploited by staff in a South Korean special school. In 2013, Gong Yoo took on the role of a North Korean agent in the action film "The Suspect."
Although his post-military television comeback, "Big," did not receive the same level of acclaim, Gong Yoo remained a beloved figure among Korean audiences and brand sponsors. However, he experienced a career resurgence in 2016 with the box office hits "Train to Busan" and "Age of Shadows," as well as the highly acclaimed Korean cable television drama "Goblin," which became one of the most-watched programs of its kind.
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