Gary Dauberman is a renowned American screenwriter and director of horror films, leaving an indelible mark on the genre with his contributions to the esteemed "The Conjuring Universe". His impressive portfolio boasts the writing credits for the spin-off films "Annabelle" (2014),"Annabelle: Creation" (2017),and "The Nun" (2018),which have captivated audiences worldwide with their chilling narratives.
Furthermore, Dauberman's creative prowess has also been showcased in several Stephen King adaptations, where he has played a crucial role in co-writing the blockbuster hit "It" (2017) and writing the equally successful "It Chapter Two" (2019). His latest project, the upcoming film "Salem's Lot" (2024),is highly anticipated, as he takes on the dual role of writer and director.
In addition to his impressive filmography, Dauberman is also the founder of the production company Coin Operated, a testament to his entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to the world of horror cinema.
Gary Dauberman's remarkable career trajectory is a testament to his passion for storytelling and his ability to craft compelling narratives that resonate with audiences. With his extensive experience in the horror genre and his versatility as a writer and director, he continues to be a force to be reckoned with in the world of filmmaking.