Clive Harold Everton MBE, a renowned figure in the world of sports, was born on a significant day, September 7, 1937. His impressive repertoire of skills included being a sports commentator, journalist, author, and a former professional snooker and English billiards player of great repute.
His illustrious career in sports commentary began in 1972 when he started commentating on snooker for BBC radio, showcasing his exceptional vocal skills to a wide audience. His remarkable journey continued as he transitioned to BBC Television in 1978, where he captivated viewers with his expertise and enthusiasm for the sport.
Over the course of three decades, from 1978 to 2010, Everton's voice became synonymous with snooker, providing insightful commentary that enhanced the viewing experience for millions of fans. His dedication to the sport and his remarkable commentary skills left a lasting impact on the world of snooker, cementing his place as a legendary figure in the sport.