Claude Bessy, a renowned French ballerina, held the prestigious positions of ballet master of the Paris Opera Ballet from 1970 to 1971 and director of the Paris Opera Ballet School from 1972 to 2004.
Born in Paris on October 20, 1932, Bessy began her training at the Paris Opera Ballet School at the tender age of ten, making her the youngest student ever admitted. She joined the Paris Opera Ballet at the age of 13, a feat that earned her the distinction of being the youngest danseuse ever admitted.
Bessy's remarkable career was marked by numerous milestones, including her promotion to étoile, the Ballet's highest rank, in 1956. She was closely associated with the renowned choreographer Serge Lifar, creating leading roles in his productions of Snow White in 1951, Noces fantastiques in 1955, and Daphnis and Chloe in 1958. Bessy also worked with John Cranko, who created La Belle Hêlène on her in 1955, and George Skibine, who staged a second Daphnis and Chloe on her in 1959.
In addition to her work on stage, Bessy was featured in Gene Kelly's film Invitation to the Dance in 1956 and made several television appearances. She also collaborated with George Balanchine, creating Pas de dieux at the Paris Opera for her in 1960.
As a choreographer, Bessy staged ballets for the Comédie Française and Opéra Comique, and her work continues to be celebrated throughout Europe. She was instrumental in introducing profound reforms to the teaching regime at the Paris Opera Ballet School, which led to the emergence of a new generation of highly technical dancers, including Sylvie Guillem, Patrick Dupond, Élisabeth Platel, Marie-Claude Pietragalla, and many others.
Under her leadership, the school was relocated to a new building in Nanterre, which was inaugurated in 1987. Bessy's dedication to her craft and her contributions to the world of ballet were recognized with her induction into France's Ordre national du Mérite, the highest class of the dignity of the Grand Cross, in 2009.
Throughout her illustrious career, Claude Bessy has left an indelible mark on the world of ballet, and her legacy continues to inspire and influence generations of dancers and choreographers to this day.