Brock Vickers

Brock Vickers

Personal Details


Brock Vickers, a talented individual, has gained recognition for his impressive work in the entertainment industry, specifically in the realm of film and television.

He is perhaps most notable for his contributions to the action-packed thriller, No Way Out, which has garnered significant attention and acclaim.

Furthermore, Vickers has also made a notable appearance in the 2022 film, Slaughter Beach, showcasing his versatility as an actor and ability to adapt to various roles.

Additionally, his work in the 2022 television series, Tales of the Walking Dead, has further solidified his position as a talented and in-demand performer in the world of television.

Through his various projects, Brock Vickers has demonstrated his range and depth as an actor, leaving a lasting impression on audiences and solidifying his place in the entertainment industry.


{"id":201852,"title":"A Slice of Chicago Romance","year":"2022","character":"Bradley","permalink":"https:\/\/\/us\/movie\/a-slice-of-chicago-romance","type":"movie","srcset":{"1x":"https:\/\/\/img\/90x135\/thumbs\/movie_201852.jpg","2x":"https:\/\/\/img\/180x270\/thumbs\/movie_201852.jpg"},"released":1}
{"id":208469,"title":"Slaughter Beach","year":"2022","character":"Fake Shemp","permalink":"https:\/\/\/us\/movie\/slaughter-beach","type":"movie","srcset":{"1x":"https:\/\/\/img\/90x135\/thumbs\/movie_208469.jpg","2x":"https:\/\/\/img\/180x270\/thumbs\/movie_208469.jpg"},"released":1}
Slaughter Beach
Slaughter Beach as Fake Shemp