André Jobin, a renowned Swiss francophone comics creator, was born André Jobin on October 25, 1927. He is widely recognized for his work on the popular western children's comics series Yakari, which he scripted from 1973 to 2016.
Born in Delémont, Switzerland, André Jobin initially pursued a career in journalism. In 1964, he founded Le Crapaud à lunettes, a children's magazine that showcased his writing talents. This venture led to a meeting with Derib in 1967, and the two collaborated on the publication of The Adventures of the Owl Pythagore.
Jobin's most notable creation, however, is the series Yakari, which he co-created with Derib in 1969. The series follows the adventures of a young Sioux boy and has become a beloved and iconic part of children's literature.
Throughout his illustrious career, Jobin received numerous accolades, including the Masters of Honor award at the Sierre Comics Festival in 1991. This prestigious recognition acknowledged his significant contributions to the world of comics.
In 2016, Jobin penned his final story for the Yakari series, passing the torch to Joris Chamblain and Derib to continue the legacy.