Lights of Old Santa Fe background

Lights of Old Santa Fe

In a thrilling tale of rival rodeos, a young cowboy named Dale is torn between two opposing sides, one led by the benevolent Gabby and the other by the nefarious Richard Powers. With the guidance of Roy and the Sons of the Pioneers, a group of talented radio singers, Dale must make a crucial deci...

In this movie, a rivalry between two rodeo teams, Gabby Whittaker and Madden, takes center stage, with both groups vying for performance bookings. However, when Gabby lands a gig in Albuquerque, Madden's sabotage of his equipment sets off a chain of events that ultimately leads to his downfall, thanks to the keen detective work of Roy, who uses a crucial piece of evidence to bring Madden to justice.

Info about Lights of Old Santa Fe

Studio(s): Republic Pictures

Originally Released: United States, Nov 06, 1944

Production Country: United States
