1. Eli Whitney's Flesh-Eating Mistake
Aired: Jun 8, 2001The story follows a light-bulb-head orphan, named Otto Osworth, who is under ...
Their mission: Lewis and Clark, the two men who explored most of future western America. But the partners have broken up and Time Squad will have to do whatever it takes to bring them back together.
1. Eli Whitney's Flesh-Eating Mistake
Aired: Jun 8, 2001The story follows a light-bulb-head orphan, named Otto Osworth, who is under ...
2. Never Look a Trojan in the Gift Horse
Aired: Jun 8, 2001Tuddrussel is showing Otto some outrageous souvenirs from the past when they ...
It's a mission to Napoleon, the conqueror. Tuddrussel upsets him, and they al...
4. Confucius Say... Way Too Much
Aired: Jun 15, 2001Confucius was famous for coming up with short phrases. "Short phrases?" any o...
The Time Squad must go back to the year 1899 to convince Sigmund Freud to sto...
Then, they meet up with famous artist and sculptor Leonardo Da Vinci. They ha...
After a problem with Tuddrussel messing with the controls, Time Squad travels...
8. Robin' N Stealin' With Mr. Hood
Aired: Jun 29, 2001After chaos from Otto and Tuddrussel in the gulf dome, Time Squad visits Robi...
"Honest Abe" Lincoln grows tired of being upstanding when he starts getting r...
Time Squad goes back to the Age of Pirates, where Edward Teach (AKA Blackbear...
During a musical argument between Larry and Tuddrussel, Time Squad gets sent ...
After being upset with grumpy Tuddrussel, Larry is delighted to discover that...
As an aftermath to Larry showing Otto their awful bloopers from their mission...
Time Squad goes to 1945 to prove that Albert Einstein is a math genius and no...
Larry refuses Tuddrussel's orders and accidentally downgrades himself. Tuddru...
18. Every Poe Has a Silver Lining
Aired: Sep 21, 2001Edgar Allen Poe, the writer of horror stores is writing cheerful stories! Can...
19. Betsy Ross Flies Her Freak Flag
Aired: Sep 21, 2001While checking on the subjects of their past missions, Time Squad gets sent o...
20. The Prime Minister Has No Clothes
Aired: Sep 28, 2001Winston Churchill, the prime minister who leads England through World War II,...
It's the time of George Washington Carver, the man who invents more than 100 ...
Kubla Khan, a conqueror as a child, when history unravels, is a comic book co...
Their mission: Lewis and Clark, the two men who explored most of future weste...
After a mission to Ivan the Terrible, the Russian king, he and Tuddrussel wor...
25. Where the Buffalo Bill Roams
Aired: Nov 1, 2001Buffalo Bill was the one to start the first mail service called the pony expr...
26. A Sandwich by Any Other Name
Aired: Jan 31, 2002Cleopatra decides to convert King Tut's pyramid into a mall.
The Earl of Sandwich gives his new food the wrong name.
When Tuddrussel squashes a fly in the Stone Age; giant flies are ready to squ...
29. Keepin' It Real With Sitting Bull
Aired: Feb 28, 2002Sitting Bull was known for battling Colonel George Armstrong Custer after see...
Oh NO!! Mean ol' historically incorrect George Washington's on the satellite!...
After Larry stands up to Tuddrussel thanks to a program called "Bustin' the B...