Nikki starts her first day as Barry Fouray's new assistant, tasked with organ...
The Breaks
Season 1 Episode 8: N.T.
Barry Fouray and Mattie Taylor race to sign Ahm. Nikki and DeeVee make difficult choices that will affect their lives forever.
Barry Fouray and Mattie Taylor race to sign Ahm. Nikki and DeeVee make difficult choices that will affect their lives forever.
Nikki starts her first day as Barry Fouray's new assistant, tasked with organ...
Next episode, Nikki will be responsible for securing rapper D-Rome to perform...
Nikki's efforts to secure a deal with rising star Imani X are met with resist...
A crisis hits Ahm's personal life, while Nikki travels to Philadelphia to sal...
A devastating event sends Fouray Management into a state of chaos, as Barry s...
In the next episode, Fouray's wild streak takes center stage as he goes on a ...
Next episode, Nikki returns to New York with a fresh plan, teaming up with Ma...
Barry Fouray and Mattie Taylor race to sign Ahm. Nikki and DeeVee make diffic...