A renowned botanist, serving a sentence on Mars in a remote scientific outpos...
The Back Pages
The Back Pages is an exciting sci-fi/fantasy anthology web series featuring diverse story genres, ranging from comedy to suspense.
The Back Pages is an exciting sci-fi/fantasy anthology web series featuring diverse story genres, ranging from comedy to suspense.
A renowned botanist, serving a sentence on Mars in a remote scientific outpos...
A ballet dancer's dark obsession takes a sinister turn when a mysterious figu...
A small-town diner becomes a battleground as the owner is forced to take a st...
A humble farmhand in 19th century Northern California is falsely accused of m...
A young man's return to his former lover's apartment six months after a drunk...
6. Hairwolf: A Were-Removal Story
Aired: Jul 14, 2018A newly transformed werewolf, torn between his human and animalistic nature, ...
A careless decision to skip work and ignore advice leads a young man to a sur...