In Venice in the 1800's, a British gentlemen befriends a mysterious woman who...
A chilling anthology series grants membership to the secret society, The Club of the Damned, to those who can tell the most terrifying horror stories.
A chilling anthology series grants membership to the secret society, The Club of the Damned, to those who can tell the most terrifying horror stories.
In Venice in the 1800's, a British gentlemen befriends a mysterious woman who...
The Countess Ilona has invited four gentlemen to her castle. Distracted by he...
The surviving admirers of the implacable Countess Ilona realize that there is...
A prim 35-year-old Englishman, Nightingale, goes to Hamburg for business reas...
Who is the "Phantom" Lady Sybil is so frightened of? Does the ghost of her de...
After her mother's suspicious death and her father's re-marriage, a young gir...
When a noted English literary critic visits the villa in Switzerland where th...
A handsome young man tells the story of his escape from a female vampire in E...
Main Cast