When the Executive Producer of sketch show 'Studio 60' has an on-air meltdown...
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
Season 1 Episode 17: The Disaster Show
A wildcat strike and a bomb scare combine to challenge the Studio 60 crew on show night.
A wildcat strike and a bomb scare combine to challenge the Studio 60 crew on show night.
When the Executive Producer of sketch show 'Studio 60' has an on-air meltdown...
It's the week of Matt and Danny's first show. A Christian group is threatenin...
Focus group numbers have some people at the show and at the network up in arm...
The show faces a legal nightmare when an viewer notices that a joke in the ne...
A magazine writer shows up to write a story about the show, but ends up focus...
Tom gets a visit from his uptight conservative parents, Matt and Simon go out...
A sequence of peccadilloes lands Tom (and Simon's jacket) in front of a Nevad...
Jack continues to plead with the judge to bail Tom out of jail before the sho...
Matt discovers that Ricky and Ron are trying to get a sitcom deal, Jordan wan...
Matt tries to get a new show on air with just two staff writers, neither of w...
Danny helps Jordan with her pregnancy--but what ulterior motives does he have...
After the Christmas hiatus, the cast and crew of Studio 60 are back in full f...
Matt's bid to be Harriet's date to a dinner held in her honor ends in a tie--...
14. The Harriet Dinner: Part II
Aired: Feb 5, 2007Tom is stuck at the dinner with a drunk Kim Tao who keeps coming on to him. J...
15. The Friday Night Slaughter
Aired: Feb 12, 2007Matt recalls how he met Harriet.
Matt has writer block and must deal with a lawyer filing a sexual harassment ...
A wildcat strike and a bomb scare combine to challenge the Studio 60 crew on ...
Jordan faces a scare with her pregnancy. Tom must deal with a crisis. Matt's ...
Jordan has surgery as the situation with Tom's brother grows more grim.
Tom's Brother is still captive; Simon talks to the press; the lawyer talks to...
Jordan faces a new complication, Jack spends time with Simon following the ac...
22. What Kind of Day Has It Been
Aired: Jun 28, 2007Dawn finally rises after the night from hell with some good news, new beginni...
Main Cast
Guest Starring
Current Status: Ended
Network: NBC
Production Country: United States
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