The next episode sees the Sphere arrive at Mila's home, prompting her to util...
Season 1 Episode 24: Infiltration
Mahad and Lena embark on a daring mission to infiltrate the Monolith and rescue their mother.
Mahad and Lena embark on a daring mission to infiltrate the Monolith and rescue their mother.
The next episode sees the Sphere arrive at Mila's home, prompting her to util...
The next episode sees Mila's home invaded by the Sphere, prompting her to unl...
In the next episode, Lena's heroic act to save a plant from Babylonia comes a...
A sphere ship crash-lands, carrying three Seijin refugees, but it soon become...
Mahad and Lena find themselves trapped in Kharzem Prison after following a st...
The next episode features Mahad and Lena embarking on a perilous journey to l...
Oslo seizes control of Dahlia in a desperate attempt to locate the elusive pi...
Mahad and Dahlia find themselves stranded on a massive ice block, adrift towa...
Mahad's leadership is put to the test as he misinterprets a warning about inc...
A desperate Mahad and Lena stumble upon Oslo, on the brink of death, in a wat...
Mahad is captured and forced to compete in a deadly arena, while his friends ...
Cortes' anger boils over as his traitorous brother appears, but can they put ...
Mahad and Lena stumble upon a makeshift orphanage, only to discover the inhab...
A rogue Special Sphere agent crashes on Puerto Angel, sparking chaos and mayh...
Lena risks her own safety to lure out the mysterious force behind the abducti...
The Sphere and the pirates embark on a perilous quest to find the Book of Wor...
A thrilling adventure unfolds as Mahad and Lena engage in a high-stakes compe...
The next episode brings a thrilling question as the Vector's new security sys...
Mahad and Lena embark on a daring mission to infiltrate the Monolith and resc...
The long-awaited destination of Kharzem is unveiled, setting the stage for an...
The ultimate showdown between light and darkness has arrived, as Lena takes o...
Main Cast