1. Aired: Apr 30, 2021In the outskirts of outer space, a fearless young cop and galactic pilot find...
2. Aired: May 7, 2021As the Hemlock fugitives set about salvaging their crash-landed ship, Ash mak...
3. Aired: May 14, 2021Drifting through space without coordinates, the gang encounters a new setback...
4. Aired: May 21, 2021The gang ditch the Hemlock in favour of something a little less conspicuous. ...
5. Aired: May 28, 2021In search of medical attention for Ash, the Hemlock makes a stop on Candy's h...
6. Aired: Jun 4, 2021Tensions run high in the aftermath of Emma's capture and Ash finds herself al...
7. Aired: Jun 11, 2021Opinions are divided as Ash suggests a risky rescue mission on Emma's behalf....
8. Aired: Jun 18, 2021As the crew embark on the final leg of their journey to Arcadia, a collision ...