As the sun sets, Keiji Takeda's anticipation turns to concern as his girlfrie...
Season 1 Episodes:
Kinoshita Kyouko invites Suema Kazuko to walk home with her, and as they stro...
Tanaka Shiro seeks assistance from Niitoki Kei after Kamikishiro Naoko's myst...
Asukai Jin, a guidance counselor at a prestigious prep school, possesses a un...
Taniguchi Masaki returns to Japan to attend high school, following his sister...
Kotokawa Kinue approaches Miyashita Touka and Suema Kazuko as they study at t...
Masaki transforms into a vigilante, donning a black hat and cape, and begins ...
Suema Kazuko detects a shift in Kinukawa Kotoe's demeanor since Suema assiste...
Masaki's search for Orihata intensifies as he uncovers the truth about her pa...
Private Investigator Kuroda Shinpei, a synthetic human, leads a double life a...
Kirima Nagi's sudden recovery from a mysterious, incurable disease sparks an ...
A mysterious letter arrives at Kirima Seiichi's doorstep, warning him that a ...
Nagi faces off against the powerful non-human Kisugi Makiko, with his chances...
14. Overdrive: The King of Distortion 1
Aired: Mar 1, 2019The enigmatic Teratsuki Kyouichirou, a reclusive billionaire, built the Moon ...
15. Overdrive: The King of Distortion 2
Aired: Mar 8, 2019Kyouichirou Teratsuki and a pregnant woman bond over drinks in a bar, with Ky...
16. Overdrive: The King of Distortion 3
Aired: Mar 15, 2019As Niitoki Kei navigates the Moon Temple alongside Boogiepop, they both sense...
17. Overdrive: The King of Distortion 4
Aired: Mar 22, 2019Tanaka Shirou and Habara Kentarou stumble upon a mysterious opening in the fl...
18. Overdrive: The King of Distortion 5
Aired: Mar 29, 2019Teratsuki Kyouichirou's shocking video revelation exposes the truth behind th...
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Info about Boogiepop and Others
Current Status: Ended
Network: AT-X
Production Country: Japan
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