Batman must rescue Commissioner Gordon from the Joker's sinister dental appoi...
Batman Adventures: Mad Love
Season 1 Episode 6: A Fish Tale
The Dark Knight is held captive by Harley Quinn, suspended above a tank of piranhas, facing a dire fate.
The Dark Knight is held captive by Harley Quinn, suspended above a tank of piranhas, facing a dire fate.
Batman must rescue Commissioner Gordon from the Joker's sinister dental appoi...
Batman investigates the mysterious past of the Joker's partner, while Harley ...
A young therapist at Arkham Asylum becomes infatuated with a manipulative pat...
Harley Quinn abandons her promising therapy career to join forces with the Jo...
Harley Quinn scours the Joker's plans for the most devastating revenge agains...
The Dark Knight is held captive by Harley Quinn, suspended above a tank of pi...
The Joker's reaction to Harley's capture of the Dark Knight will be a thrilli...