In this swashbuckling adventure, a charming servant named Ali Baba falls for a beautiful dancer named Morgiane and decides to buy her as a slave. After being robbed by a group of thieves, Ali stumbles upon a hidden cave filled with gold by using the secret phrase "Open Sesame." With his newfound wealth, Ali purchases Morgiane and a lavish residence, but his newfound prosperity attracts the attention of his lord, Cassim, who seeks to learn the secret of Ali's success. Meanwhile, the leader of the thieves, Abdel, has his own plans to get revenge on Ali and his friends, setting the stage for a thrilling showdown.
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Ali Baba, a charming servant of a wealthy oriental lord, defies his master's orders and purchases a beautiful dancer, Morgiane, instead of a meaty slave girl. When his caravan is robbed by Abdel's notorious 40 thieves, Ali takes refuge in a camel hive, setting the stage for a thrilling ...