A television movie based on the futurist story by William Shatner. After four years, Jake Cardigan is prematurely awoken from his fifteen year cryogenic punishment to a world very different than the one he knew. Much more than before 'Tek', the highly-addictive electronic designer narcotic of the 21st century, seems to be prevalent. His wife has divorced him and disappeared together with their son.

NR1h 37m5.8

Watch TekWar

A sci-fi television movie inspired by the visionary tale of renowned futurist William Shatner.

TekWar: TekLords

NR1h 36m5.9

Watch TekWar: TekLords

As the Tek Lord Sonny Hokori runs his criminal empire from behind bars, a powerful virus spreads globally, affecting not only computer software but also physical beings, threatening to destroy the world.

TekWar: TekLab

NR1h 45m5.6

Watch TekWar: TekLab

In a futuristic London, the legendary sword Excalibur has been pilfered, prompting detectives Jake Cardigan and Sid Gomez to embark on a mission to recover the stolen artifact and uncover the identity of the individual attempting to usurp the British throne from its rightful heir.

TekWar: TekJustice

NR1h 40m6

Watch TekWar: TekJustice

Detective Jake Cardigan is arrested for the murder of his ex-wife's husband, a case that appears to be a deliberate setup. Despite the strong evidence against him, Cardigan remains tight-lipped, refusing to cooperate with authorities or deny any involvement in the crime.

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