Six survivors of a nuclear war find refuge in a farmhouse. In the opener, the...
Season 1 Episode 3: Root of All Evil
When the survivor's geed undermines their new monetary system, it takes a coup to undo the mess.
When the survivor's geed undermines their new monetary system, it takes a coup to undo the mess.
Six survivors of a nuclear war find refuge in a farmhouse. In the opener, the...
The survivors compete to be the man and woman best suited to repopulate Earth...
When the survivor's geed undermines their new monetary system, it takes a cou...
Mark hits a low point in his life after getting high on intoxicating berries ...
5. The Rise and Fall of Alice McConnell
Aired: Oct 25, 1992Alice discovers a crystal that mysteriously enlarges her bust and allows her ...
Curtis generates a folksy new image to outshine Mark as they each campaign fo...
When Curtis loses his necktie and then his mind, the others must find a way t...
Suzanne and Jack fall in love and move into the barn together. But jealeousy ...
The group discovers another survivor: a turkey--and just in time for Thanksgi...
The survivors finally meet another real survivor that turns out to be no one ...
An electromagnetic storm turns Frederick into a kid again. But little Frederi...