The search for extraterrestrial life continues, with unidentified objects spo...
Season 1 Episodes:
Exploring the cosmos, we're poised to venture beyond the Moon and into the un...
The mysteries of Earth's origin and survival remain shrouded in uncertainty, ...
Venus, our closest planetary neighbor, has long been a subject of fascination...
The next episode delves into the existential threats that loom over humanity,...
6. Search for the Next Frontier
Aired: Jun 7, 2024Exploring the unknown: a journey to distant planets, where new discoveries aw...
Alien moons hold the potential to unlock the secrets of outer space and poten...
8. The Life and Death of the Sun
Aired: Jun 21, 2024The fate of human civilization hangs in the balance as scientists embark on a...
Info about The UnXplained: Mysteries of the Universe
Current Status: Returning Series
Network: History
Production Country: United States