Taskmaster Reggie Watts challenges contestants to play basketball without usi...
Competitors showcase their creative skills by tackling unconventional challenges in this entertaining show inspired by the popular UK game show.
Competitors showcase their creative skills by tackling unconventional challenges in this entertaining show inspired by the popular UK game show.
Taskmaster Reggie Watts challenges contestants to play basketball without usi...
The contestants must impress Taskmaster Reggie Watts by painting a portrait o...
The contestants are forced to order a pizza without using certain words, camo...
Taskmaster Reggie Watts orders the contestants to make a block of ice disappe...
The contestants are ordered to throw something into something, find their way...
Taskmaster Reggie Watts challenges contestants to create "the best flag meal,...
The contestants must figure out what their first task is from a series of clu...
In the season finale, Taskmaster Reggie Watts crowns a winner after making th...