Alexander James Jeffrey "Alex" Horne is a renowned British comedian, whose impressive career has been marked by the creation of a unique and entertaining comedy panel show. Taskmaster, a programme that showcases his remarkable creativity, features Horne as the trusted assistant to the enigmatic and authoritative "Taskmaster" Greg Davies. In this esteemed role, Horne expertly guides comedians through a series of absurd and intriguing tasks, which are then judged by Davies himself.
In addition to his work on Taskmaster, Horne is also the charismatic host of The Horne Section, a captivating live music variety show that has gained widespread recognition and acclaim. Broadcast on BBC Radio 4, this programme has provided a platform for Horne to showcase his exceptional talent and versatility as a performer, as well as his ability to bring together a diverse range of musical styles and comedic talents under one roof.