Dante is reunited with McDuff, an old friend who's dying of cancer. Meanwhile...
Season 1 Episode 15: Dark and Stormy Night
Darius boards the Tulip to help Lucretia inform Dante about the Divinity Cluster.
Darius boards the Tulip to help Lucretia inform Dante about the Divinity Cluster.
Dante is reunited with McDuff, an old friend who's dying of cancer. Meanwhile...
Percy ignores the warnings of both Dante and Lucretia when she decides to bef...
Dante and Lucretia encounter a Raider with a boy who might be Dante's missing...
Dante and Lucretia capture Petrakis, a vicious escaped prisoner who has hijac...
Dante and Lucretia try to capture Novak, a ruthless war criminal who's respon...
Dante arrests murderess Dr. Nasreen and her browbeaten teenage son Ajit. Unbe...
While transporting wily con artist Etienne to prison, the Tulip receives a di...
Rudolpho instructs the crew of the Tulip to pick up a murder suspect who turn...
The crew of the Tulip receive a radio transmission from a religious cult who ...
Percy gets arrested after she assaults a bounty hunter who's a member of the ...
Colonel E.W. Bramwell gets awakened after spending 50 years in cryogenic slum...
Dante is reunited with Ike, an old friend who was a rival for Dante's decease...
Scientist Harman, a former associate of Darius Scott, becomes one of the most...
Darius pulls strings with Rudolpho to have the Tulip transport Andrea Arquett...
Darius boards the Tulip to help Lucretia inform Dante about the Divinity Clus...
After Rudolpho sells the Tulip to weaselly businessman Max for conversion int...
The Tulip is diverted to search for survivors after an accident at a secret r...
Dante, Lucretia, and Percy all find themselves caught in separate Bubble Univ...
Dante agrees to transport Rudolpho's friend Stephen Hamilton and his two daug...
Dante is kidnapped by ruthless Orchard agent Tosca, who believes that Dante's...
The Tulip receives a cryptic message from Percy that leads Dante to the speci...
Tension and mistrust mounts among the crew members of the Tulip with the addi...