1. Andromeda: The Warrior Princess Aired: Nov 7, 1998 Andromeda, the daughter of King Cepheus, longs to be a warrior in her father'...
2. Hercules and Iolas Aired: Nov 14, 1998 In her vengeful desire to destroy Hercules, Hera unleashes more terrible beas...
3. Ulysses and the Journey Home Aired: Nov 21, 1998 Ulysses continues his incredible odyssey as he sails treacherous waters, dete...
4. Perseus: The Search for Medusa Aired: Nov 28, 1998 Young Perseus is a demi-god, his mother being mortal, his father being Zeus, ...
5. Jason and the Argonauts Aired: Dec 5, 1998 When the evil King Pelias usurps the throne of Jason's father, young Jason is...
6. Persephone and the Winter Seeds Aired: Dec 12, 1998 Persephone, the daughter of the harvest goddess Demeter, is taken into the Un...
7. Daedalus and Icarus Aired: Dec 19, 1999 Daedalus, the greatest inventor of the ancient world, designed sailing ships,...
8. Ulysses and Circe Aired: Dec 26, 1999 After having fought in the Trojan Wars for ten grueling years, the great Ulys...
9. Atalanta: The Wild Girl Aired: Jan 2, 1999 Atalanta, abandoned as a baby, is raised by bears and becomes the "wild girl"...
10. Prometheus and Pandora's Box Aired: Jan 9, 1999 The young gods Prometheus and Epimetheus are sent by Zeus to endow Earth with...
11. Bellerophon and Pegasus Aired: Jan 16, 1999 Young Bellerophon works in the stables of King Glaucus and loves horses more ...
12. Theseus and the Minotaur Aired: Jan 23, 1999 As a small boy Theseus discovers a long kept secret - that he is the son of t...
13. The Labors of Hercules Aired: Jan 30, 1999 While undertaking his famous "Twelve Labors", imposed upon him by the vengefu...