Jimmy Briggs, a skilled fighter pilot, crash-lands in France in September 194...
Season 1 Episode 20: Machine
Jimmy faces a menacing Gestapo agent in the metalworks, who exerts pressure to uncover his true identity.
Jimmy faces a menacing Gestapo agent in the metalworks, who exerts pressure to uncover his true identity.
Jimmy Briggs, a skilled fighter pilot, crash-lands in France in September 194...
Nina seeks aid from a local farmer while traveling on foot, only to find him ...
The trio arrives at Vincent's ancestral chateau, where they discover the Germ...
4. What Did You Do in the War Daddy?
Aired: Jan 23, 1970In the next episode, Vincent, Jimmy, and Nina find refuge in a hidden room on...
Nina's careless mistake puts the entire mission at risk when she accidentally...
Upon arriving at a safe house under the cover of night, the trio discovers it...
Vincent sends Jimmy and Nina to an abandoned toll-house while he contacts his...
The next episode takes place in December 1942, as Vincent, Theo, and Jo arriv...
In the next episode, Vincent, Jimmy, Nina, and Vincent arrive at a café in Li...
Colonel von Gebhardt's sudden return from Berlin reveals that Nina possesses ...
Nina is hidden in the town of Boiziers with Vincent and Jimmy, under the care...
In the next episode, the trio takes refuge at Le Lapin Bouleverese, a bar in ...
Resistance leaders from across the country are set to meet in Bordeaux, where...
Francine secretly takes Jimmy to her home, where her mother is temporarily aw...
15. Little Man, Big Gun: Part 1
Aired: Apr 10, 1970David Mainwaring, codename 'Cadet', is captured by Gratz while being landed o...
16. Little Man, Big Gun: Part 2
Aired: Apr 17, 1970Gratz secretly shelters Cadet in his apartment, evading both the SS's door-to...
Jimmy is forced to return to Adelaide's club without saying goodbye to Nina, ...
Nina is summoned to the Church of St Xavier to meet Adelaide, but the meeting...
Vincent is forced to confront his dark past as he's coerced by the Germans to...
Jimmy faces a menacing Gestapo agent in the metalworks, who exerts pressure t...
Will Gratz's daring deception be his downfall or a masterstroke, as he attemp...
In the next episode, Jimmy and Vincent join forces with French resistance fig...
Two protagonists embark on a daring train escape from Bordeaux, navigating ob...
24. Little Man, What Next? Part 1
Aired: Jun 12, 1970Next episode, the SS interrogates Abwehr Sergeant Gratz, but extracting infor...
25. Little Man, What Next? Part 2
Aired: Jun 19, 1970The next episode's suspense builds as Abwehr Sergeant Gratz's interrogation c...
The fate of the characters is decided as the extraction date arrives, but obs...