In the next episode, Iris trades in her ordinary life for a career in pop mus...
Season 1 Episode 11: Step Right Up
Princesses battle a gang of enchanted stuffed animals at an orphanage charity carnival, infiltrated by Praxina and Mephisto.
Princesses battle a gang of enchanted stuffed animals at an orphanage charity carnival, infiltrated by Praxina and Mephisto.
In the next episode, Iris trades in her ordinary life for a career in pop mus...
A magical rose sparks a showdown between the princesses and their foes in the...
Iris accidentally casts a love charm on herself, and the only way to reverse ...
Iris is haunted by enigmatic dreams triggered by a mysterious music box, whic...
The princesses face a new challenge as Mephisto and Praxina pilfer their voic...
The princesses embark on a quest to reclaim the magical medallion from Praxin...
In the next episode, Iris, Talia, and Auriana join forces with a young boy to...
8. Talia and Kyle Sitting in a Tree
Aired: Nov 29, 2014Kyle's innocent charm initially falls flat with Talia, but she soon uncovers ...
In the next thrilling episode, the girls stumble upon an ancient oracle gem o...
The princesses attend a movie star's house party, where they face off against...
Princesses battle a gang of enchanted stuffed animals at an orphanage charity...
12. No Thanks for the Memories
Aired: Jan 10, 2015As Mephisto and Praxina manipulate Iris' memories, she becomes a formidable f...
The next episode follows Iris as she rescues a scientist from a treacherous c...
At a beach party, the princesses take center stage, unaware that Mephisto and...
In the next episode, Auriana creates stunning outfits for Iris and Talia to s...
The campers' wilderness adventure takes a thrilling turn when a timid camper'...
The twins embark on a thrilling adventure to retrieve a stolen electric guita...
The princesses embark on a lake expedition to search for the fabled Aggie, on...
Iris's magical abilities advance to the Shanila stage, but her newfound power...
The princesses investigate a mysterious case of missing raffle tickets, only ...
Just as Ephedia's most powerful sorceress arrives to teach the princesses a r...
When a girl moves into a house rumored to be haunted, the princesses assure h...
The princesses race to recover a powerful spell book that they accidentally d...
Gramorr sends the twins to capture Doug and his smartphone after he takes rev...
An asteroid hurtling toward Earth sends the girls back to Ephedia, where Gram...
Still on Ephedia, Talia and Auriana join the resistance movement against Gram...